Eczema Treatment Cost in Gurgaon ranges from Rs. 500 to Rs. 2,000
Eczema results in rough, dry, irritated, cracked, red, and inflamed skin.
Real causes of eczema remain unknown, but certain triggers that aggravate the condition are:
Eczema can be classified as endogenous (when arising from internal factors like Atopic Dermatitis) and exogenous (caused due to external factors like Allergic contact dermatitis).
To treat Eczema, we first believe in eliminating the triggering factor. Topical treatments like topical corticosteroids and topical calcineurin inhibitors are helpful.
Dr. Neha Sharma, Gurgaon’s best dermatologist, through her strategic approach that often involves the implementation of different lifestyle tips can help in controlling & avoiding recurrence.
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